[Download] Maimonides & Metabolism: Intermittent Fasting (English Edition) de Rabbi Yonason Herschlag Libros Gratis en EPUB
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Maimonides & Metabolism: Intermittent Fasting (English Edition) de Rabbi Yonason Herschlag
Descripción - Get the keys to sustainable weight loss—reduce hunger, speed up metabolism, and transform your body into a fat-burning machine, utilizing intermittent fasting with a science based approach.Today there is a debate raging among nutritional authorities concerning the timing of breakfast. Some argue that in order to avoid sugar lows and uncontrollable hunger one should eat breakfast shortly after awakening. Others promote the extension of the nightly fast by delaying breakfast.Maimonides & Metabolism explains in depth the physiological processes that are overlooked by many mainstream nutritional authorities, like the fact that the hormone cortisol is at its daily peak half an hour after waking up. Studies have shown that insulin resistance is higher shortly after waking as compared to a few hours later, and this is because cortisol an antagonist of insulin – insulin is anabolic (directing the body to store energy), and cortisol is catabolic (directing the body to release and burn stored energy).Eating a breakfast that includes carbohydrates too early will spike blood sugar levels too much, as the high levels of cortisol won’t allow the insulin to lower the blood sugar to balanced levels. High blood sugar then leads to hyperinsulinemia (too much insulin). And simultaneous high levels of cortisol and insulin cause the body to increase the number of fat cells. Hyperinsulinemia also directs the body to store fat, and blocks the body from using stored fat for energy.Maimonides & Metabolism delves into the timing of meals and exercise, habituating ourselves (gradually) to the most effective strategies of daily intermittent fasting that alleviates hunger and puts us into the natural fat burning mode.Several chapters go into great detail on macronutrients to arm dieters and dietitians with the understanding needed for sustainable fat-loss.It includes hundreds of cutting edge studies backing up the recommendations of Maimonides and the Talmud, as well as the best proven short-term and long-term dieting methods for fat-loss and improved health. It also includes 16 charts, 14 graphs/diagrams/pictures, 358 footnote references, a glossary and bibliography.Health professionals are hailing it THE Health Bible, recommending this book to their colleagues and patients for its amazing array of insights and solutions.Click on tab “Add to Cart” and begin your journey to freedom from hunger, faster fat-burning metabolism, and get into great shape.GREAT VALUE!!! Chapter 15 gives you a summary of some of the most popular diet books: Atkins, Eat to Live, Paleo, Venice Nutrition Program, Dukan, South Beach, Zone, the Fast Diet, and the American Heart Association’s No-Fad Diet. You also receive a physiological analysis of the short and long term effects of each of these diets, and a summary of the pros and cons of each diet, with additional notes and criticisms.The other chapters give you even greater value. You get a summary of the practical lessons of a BA in dietetics + summaries of studies on how certain hormones increase fat cell number, and studies describing how certain nutrients can help reduce fat cell number + an advanced endocrinology course describing the effects of hormones on metabolism + the greatest pearls of wisdom of the Talmud and Maimonides’ diet recommendations, analyzed in the light of the science of physiology.Obtain clarity on how diet affects hormones and metabolism. Become expert in macronutrients. Learn the most successful methods of short and long term sustainable weight loss. Be the first to reveal to your friends the amazing benefits learned from Maimonides & Metabolism. Click on tab "Add to Cart", and BUY NOW!
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Detalles del Libro
- Name: Maimonides & Metabolism: Intermittent Fasting (English Edition)
- Autor: Rabbi Yonason Herschlag
- Categoria: Libros,Libros universitarios y de estudios superiores,Medicina y ciencias de la salud
- Tamaño del archivo: 10 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
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